Solution Pattern: Comprehensive Service Architecture with API Management and Service Mesh

See the Solution in Action

Here you find a recorded video of the solution pattern, as well as a walkthrough guide through the different aspects of the solution pattern.

1. Recorded Video

Here you find a recorded video of the solution pattern, as well as a walkthrough guide through the different aspects of the solution pattern.

2. Walkthrough guide

This section shows you how you can set up the different parts of the solution pattern, so that you can walk through the demo.

2.1. Prerequisites

You will need the following prerequisites:

  • Access to an OpenShift environment (preferably 4.12), with cluster-admin privileges. This pattern

  • OpenShift CLI

  • Ansible Installed on your local machine

    • Follow this guide to install Ansible if you haven’t already done so

2.2. Guide Setup

Complete following instructions to ensure that this instruction guide is configured correctly for your OpenShift cluster.

  • Login to the Open Shift Console as admin user

  • Click on the admin user name shown on the Openshift console and click on the Copy Login Command option.

  • Copy the login command and paste it on the terminal where OpenShift CLI is installed

  • Type the below command on you oc cli to get the OpenShift ingress domain value and copy it:

    oc get ingresses.config/cluster -o jsonpath={.spec.domain}
  • Enter in the text box provided in the instructions page and hit enter


2.3. Setting up the demo environment

2.4. Walkthrough guide

  • The Ansible playbook has provisioned the following components and configurations for you:

    • Travelz application

    • OpenShift Service Mesh configured to connect, manage, and observe Travelz microservices

    • 3Scale API Management

    • Partner Booking Apps

2.5. Scenario 1 - Managing and Visualizing the microservices

Our Ansible script has already deployed the travelz application and configured Service Mesh to managed them. In the below steps we shall learn how ServiceMesh services, increase observability and tracing across these services.

  • Login to the Open Shift Console as admin user and navigate to the "istio-system" project in the developer view

  • Use your OpenShift credentials to login to Kiali

  • On the Kiali UI, navigate to graph menu.

  • The graph provides a powerful set of features to visualize the traffic topology of the service mesh. Select all namespaces in the graph and enable Request Distribution and Traffic Animation in the Display Options:

  • Visualize the traffic flowing through the services and the percentage of requests passing through each service.


    This is all possible because of these services are a part of the service mesh

  • Trace each microservice call and interaction using the distributed tracing capability of OpenShift Service Mesh. Login into the Jaeger UI with OpenShift credentials.

  • Select all the checkboxes and click on Allow selected permissions

  • Choose any service and click find traces to see a list of calls to the service.

  • Click on any trace to find the details of each trace such as the spans, time taken to complete the request, services called etc.


    This is how ServiceMesh provides granular details about the interaction amongst services that are a part of it.

2.6. Scenario 2 - Opening API access to external partners

A lot of partner companies approached Travelz and requested them to open up the access to their travel APIs so that they can build more value added services. Travelz saw this is a great business opportunity but at the same time wanted to do this in a sustainable and secure way

Travelz wanted to build a new version (v2) for partners. They wanted all the partners calls to flow to v2 and the internal calls through v1. They decided to leverage the intelligent traffic routing capabilities of Service Mesh for this.

2.7. Scenario 3 - Securing API access - North South or External traffic

Now that we’ve opened up the API access externally and separated the traffic flow between internal and external consumers let’s see how we can secure the external access using 3scale API Management.

In this scenario let’s assume we have a partner application that wants to access the travel APIs and display the details on their own website. Let’s call this partner The Red Company. 3scale API management provides a secure way for organizations to share to secure their APIs externally with partners. The Apps send API request to the gateway URL provided by the Red Hat 3scale API Management. This in turn will validate the API user and redirect the call to the backend. Authentication identifies the requester, and only allows access to the APIs for authenticated end-users. In our example the Red Company will be using an API Key generated by 3scale as a method of authentication to access the APIs.

  • Delete the unsecure external route

    oc delete route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
  • Try to access the API again from the external route by clicking below and you should now see a message that the api is unavilable at that URL since we deleted the route.

  • Navigate to Red Company App using this link.

  • Try to choose a city from the drop down to get the hotels, cars, flights information for that city. You will notice that the city drop down is not showing any values. Let’s investigate on what’s happening.

  • Navigate to the deployment of the app on you OpenShift Console and click on the travels-demo-ui deployment

  • Click on the Environment tab and you’ll notice that the API_USER_KEY_VALUE is missing. This is the env variable for API security and needs to be replaced. You can obtain this key from 3scale.

    External Applications access the APIs via the inbuilt 3scale gateway provided out of the box and managed by 3scale. The API_GET_CITIES and the API_GET_DETAILS_FOR_CITY are both environment variables used to the store the gateway URL behind which the actual API backends are protected. For the purpose of this guide they have already been populated but you can always get the gateway URL from your 3scale portal.
  • Log into 3scale using the below URL.

  • Login using the username: admin and obtain the password using the below command

    oc get secret -n 3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d
    Please install the jq package on your terminal if you already do not have it
  • Once you login to the 3scale admin portal, close the on boarding wizard to land directly on the dashboard.

  • Click on the Travel Demo Partner Product

  • Optional: Navigate to Integration > Settings. Notice that we have selected 3scale Managed APIcast as our gateway/reverse proxy to process the API requests. The Production public URL is the actual URL that partners and external consumers will use to consume the API. This is the value that is provided as an environment variables (API_GET_CITIES and the API_GET_DETAILS_FOR_CITY) in partner apps to access the APIs.

  • Optional : Navigate to Integration > Backends. This is where we provide the base URLs of all the API backends that need to be protected by Red Hat 3scale.

  • Navigate to Applications > Listing > Select the Red App .

    Red App is the name of the partner app that is registered on 3scale API management and has been allocated a key to access the API.
  • THE API Key (which is redsecret in this case) is listed under the API Credential section, copy it

  • Go back to your OpenShift Console and replace the place holder text with the API Key as shown below and hit the save button. Wait for a minute before you proceed to the next step.

  • Navigate again to Red Company App using this link.

  • Since we have provided the API key, we should now be able to select a city from the dropdown and get details of the hotels, flights, cars etc that are relevant to that city.

  • Two other similar partner apps Green App and Blue App have already been deployed


2.7.1. Monitor and analyze the external API calls

*Leverage 3scale to monitor and analyze the external API calls from the different partners apps.

  • We shall now explore how we can leverage 3scale to monitor and analyze the API calls from the different partners apps.

  • Simulate a bunch of API calls from mimicking the 3 different partner apps instead of manually refreshing the browser.

        for i in {1..25}
           curl -v "https://traveldemo-istio-partner-product-3scale-apicast-production.%CLUSTER_WILDCARD_URL%/travels/Kiev?user_key=greensecret";
           curl -v "https://traveldemo-istio-partner-product-3scale-apicast-production.%CLUSTER_WILDCARD_URL%/travels/Kiev?user_key=bluesecret";
           curl -v "https://traveldemo-istio-partner-product-3scale-apicast-production.%CLUSTER_WILDCARD_URL%/travels/Kiev?user_key=redsecret";
  • From the 3scale admin portal, navigate to Travel Demo Partner Product > Analytics > Traffic. This page shows the number of call made to the travel details page by the partner apps here. Controlling the metrics, methods, and time range allows you to check different types of data.

  • In case you see empty charts instead of graphs, try changing the date range to 7 days and choose the Hits(hits) metric as shown below

  • To check these details for each individual app, navigate to Travel Demo Partner Product > Applications > Listing > Red App

  • Click on analytics link above the application name. The usage charts are displayed for the application. Controlling the metrics, methods, and time range allows you to check different types of data about the application.

  • 3scale also provides interactive documentation where external partners can learn about the API and try the API. Navigate to Travel Demo Partner Product > ActiveDocs > Travel Partner API Documentation.

  • Check out the interactive API documentation page that is automatically imported along with the API.

    3scale provides a developer portal out of the box where API consumers can signup for the API, access documentation, get their API keys, monitor their usage etc. To limit the time and scope of this exercise that part is not being explored as a part of this guide.

This section portrayed how APIs can be shared, secured, monitored when exposed externally using 3scale API Management. All the external applications are calling the 3scale Apicast gateway which acts as a reverse proxy and only redirects authenticated calls to the backend to get a response.

2.8. Scenario 4 - Securing Internal API access - Inter Domain Traffic

More often than not huge enterprises have multiple business units or LOBs with varying goals and KPIs. In such scenarios when the internal LOBs want to share and reuse the APIs built by other LOBs, it is better to establish a formal relation to track the value that the APIs are provided internally. It is also important make sure the external LOBs are accessing our APIs securely and not abusing them.

The travels-portal and travel-agency are two such LOBs that are part of the Travelz company. The travel-agency LOB is the provider of the API and travel-portal LOB is the consumer. We are going to leverage the native Red Hat 3scale and Service Mesh Integration here to establish the formal relationship. In this ServiceMesh serves as the dataplane and 3scale serves as the control plane which eliminates the need to have an additional gateway and reduces latency due to the reduced number of hops.


The threescale-wasm-auth module is a WebAssembly module that uses a set of interfaces, known as an application binary interfaces (ABI). This is defined by the Proxy-WASM specification to drive any piece of software that implements the ABI so it can authorize HTTP requests against 3scale.

Service Mesh provides a custom resource definition to specify and apply Proxy-WASM extensions to sidecar proxies, known as WasmPlugin. Service Mesh applies this custom resource to the set of workloads that require HTTP API management with 3scale.

Follow the below steps to configure the WasmPlugin and integration between 3scale and Service Mesh.

  • Obtain the 'Admin Access Token' by running this command. Note down the Admin_Access_Token

    oc get secret -n 3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN | base64 -d
  • The service token will enable the permission for service mesh to be able to access a particular 3scale product. From the 3scale admin-portal navigate to Account Settings > Personal > Tokens and copy the Service Token of the Travel Demo Internal Product

  • Create a Custom Resource Definition file for the WasmPlugin with name wasm-internal.yaml using vim or any other editor on your OC CLI terminal. Press i to go into the insert mode

  • Copy paste the below yaml into the file and replace the access token, service token values as shown in the image below and save it. To save the file (if using vim), hit esc followed by : followed by wq followed by enter to save

    kind: WasmPlugin
     name: travel-agency
     url: oci://
     phase: AUTHZ
     priority: 100
       - mode: SERVER
         app: travels
         version: v1
       api: v1
         name: system
         token: replace with access token
           name: >-
           timeout: 5000
           url: 'http://system-provider.3scale.svc.cluster.local'
           - no_body
         name: backend
           name: >-
           timeout: 5000
           url: 'http://backend-listener.3scale.svc.cluster.local'
         - id: '3'
           token: replace with service token
             - '*'
               - header:
                     - app_id
               - query_string:
                     - app_id
               - header:
                     - app_key
               - query_string:
                     - app_key
               - query_string:
                     - user_key
               - header:
                     - user_key
             - method: GET
               pattern: /
                 - delta: 1
                   name: hits
  • Apply the CRD to your cluster using the below command

    oc apply -f wasm-internal.yaml -n travel-agency
  • Wait for a couple of minutes and navigate back to your Kiali console. You will notice that the traffic stops flowing from the portals to the agency APIs as we just enabled authentication for them and none of the portals are sending in authenticated requests

  • Navigate to 3scale admin portal and click on the Travel Demo Internal Product


    If you are logged out of 3scale for some reason, you can login using the username: admin and obtain the password using this command

    oc get secret -n 3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d
  • Navigate to Integration > Settings. Notice that we have selected Istio as our gateway/reverse proxy to process the Internal API requests. We are using the istio gateway directly instead of using the additional gateway provided by 3scale for internal requests but are leveraging 3scale for security.

  • Navigate to Applications > Listing > Select the Viaggi App .

    Viaggi App is the name one of the internal apps that is registered on 3scale API management and has been allocated a key to access the API.
  • THE API Key (which is viaggisecret in this case) is listed under the API Credential section, copy it

  • Navigate to the OpenShift console UI where the application is deployed. Administrator > Workloads > Deployments > Click on viaggi

  • Click on the Environment tab and click on Add more in order to add two new environment variables that have the API secret related information as shown below. Click save and wait for a couple of minutes


    API_USER_KEY_NAME : user_key

    API_USER_KEY_VALUE: viaggisecret

  • Navigate to your Kiali graph . You’ll notice that for the travel and voyages workloads on the graph there is no traffic red because they unauthenticated and for viaggi it’s green as we just provided the API Key. Double click on the viaggi workload

  • You should see the traffic is flowing only from viaggi and the graph is green.

  • For the other two portal aka travels and voyages you can use the below commands to set their respective api keys as environment variables using cli

    oc set env deployment/voyages API_USER_KEY_NAME=user_key API_USER_KEY_VALUE=voyagessecret -n travel-portal
    oc set env deployment/travels API_USER_KEY_NAME=user_key API_USER_KEY_VALUE=travelsecret -n travel-portal
  • After a couple of minutes go back to your Kiali UI and click the back arrow that says back to full graph

  • Notice that all the traffic is now green indicating that the traffic is flowing seamlessly across the services. The graph should look exactly like how we started the exercise but the only difference being that all the traffic flowing from internal portals is authenticated and monitored via 3scale.


2.9. Uninstalling the demo environment

  • On your terminal, navigate to folder 3scale-OSSM-TravelDemo-Playbooks/ansible

    cd 3scale-OSSM-TravelDemo-Playbooks/ansible
  • Run the below playbook using the below command and wait until the playbook finishes running

    ansible-playbook playbooks/install.yml -e"ACTION=uninstall"